This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. If you aren’t using Office 365 and would like to be able to access its productivity features or just need general IT support then please feel free to get in touch. How to Delay Sending an Email in Outlook 365 Your message will sit in your drafts until the scheduled delivery time. Select your date and time and click Send.Click on the arrow to the right side of the Send button.It is now possible to delay sending emails in the Outlook web app. How to Schedule Sending an Email in Outlook Web App You just clear the check box that says Do not deliver before and then close the window and press send again.
If you want to change your mind and send the email immediately, all you have to do is open the message in your outbox and go back to the Delay Delivery window. When you press send the email will stay in your Outbox until the time that you have stated. Make sure that the Do not deliver before box is checked and select the date and time when it would be appropriate to send the email. In the box above you can see that there is an option to not deliver before a specific time. In the tool bar select the option to Delay Delivery. In the message window click on the Options tab.